Thursday, March 3, 2011

EDLD 5352 Instructional Leadership(Long Range Plan)

The one area of the long range plan that I chose to form an opinion on for this blog was the area of leadership, administration, and instructional support.

The instructional leader or principal must actively accept his role in gaining the technology for the 21st century. The principal must model technology use, use it daily, and serve as the “catalyst for change,” as the plan words it. Leaders must share their vision, access data, make decisions and collaboratively provide an atmosphere of shared learning. Motivating these leaders and making sure they themselves have the knowledge and skills is a top priority of the entire plan. Their influence for the plan’s success is viewed as crucial. Seven bullets pertained to all leaders on this particular page and explained more fully a leader’s role in technological learning. The principal must be joined by district, campus, and teacher leaders who can all collaborate to address inevitable issues like funding, staffing patterns, or staff retention of rapidly growing technology.

Like the areas before it in the plan’s sequence, recommendations were made that this time concerned the leadership, administration, and instructional support. There were eighteen specific recommendations made to the TEA followed by six directed to the Regional Education Service Centers. Fifteen recommendations were made that pertained to the local level, while only one recommendation was made for higher education institutions. Five were listed that were directed to parents, communities, and the private sector.

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